Second Place in Denmark

Second Place in Denmark

August 3, 2023 Golf 2

Happy to score some lower rounds and finally get some results. I have played pretty solid the last few weeks. Coming into the tournament, I felt really good about my game and I enjoyed the course in Smørum. Got a bit frustrated after the first round after shooting 71 (+1). The putts didn’t drop. I had to stay patient and focused which I did coming into the second round. I played very solid golf the next two days. Unfortunately, I made a bogey on my last hole of the tournament and went to playoff. Three putted the first playoff hole and lost. Great experience, can’t wait to do it again. 

I have a great team around me that gives me feedback on my game. I will not be frustrated with how this tournament ended but happy I got to experience some nerves today. We learn and will do it better next time. 

I am excited to have a busy tournament schedule. Playing the next three weeks at home in Sweden. 

2 Responses

  1. Anders Wallin says:

    Kul att du bloggar din golf! Alltför få proffs gör det nuförtiden, det var vanligt förr, både Per-Ulrik Johansson, Robert Karlsson och Alex Noren bloggade regelbundet, men de har slutat. mailade faktiskt Robert och frågade varför och det var för att de fick ta så mycket skit från typ nättroll. Hoppas du skall slippa det!

    Lycka tilli fortsättningen!

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